
Some Crypto Lingo..

Cryptocurrency Lingo HODL. A misspelling of ‘hold’ that stuck around to mean ‘keep’. A crypto trader who buys a coin and does not see himself selling in the f oreseeable future is called a hodler of the coin. FOMO. Short form for ‘fear of missing out’. The feeling when you see a huge green dildo on a chart and you don’t own that coin, so you sell other shit to buy into it freaking out. As crypto trading is still very much driven by emotions rather than valuation, FOMO is a huge factor to consider when swing trading in crypto. FUD. Short form for ‘fear, uncertainty and doubt’. Usually used in the form of “xxx spreading FUD again.” Example: JPMorgan’s Dimon spread FUD by saying Bitcoin is a fraud that will eventually blow up.cryptocurrency lingo spread fud ATH. Short form for “All-Time High”. Therefore it means the highest historical price of a specific coin. Whale. A huge player who has a substantial amount of capital. Whales are often the market movers for small alt-coi

Bitcoin and Ethereum or Apple vs PC

Great comparison of the two and how this could be relevant to blockchain!

Read before you invest and be prepared

Before you go off investing it would be wise to read this post and follow its advice. More than worth it in my opinion.

Bank financed coins?

Bank to issue cryptocoin??

LEND is working and doing loans!!

Thats right, LEND is able to give loans with your crypto as collateral. You set up the amount you need, how long you will need to pay it back and how much will be paid back, if a lender feels like its a good deal then its a done deal!

MoneyGram finds use for Ripple

Great news for Ripple! MoneyGram is another big player who brings real ness to a altcoin and shows that it isn’t a pipe dream for fast money making. Also shows buying into it now will be great later! is not dead, just developing...

Read more here. Hold onto those coins.